‘Campaign of hate, falsehoods’

The posters are captioned with the words “War Criminal. Netanyahu is guilty of war crimes” and “Stop the Gaza massacre”.

POSTERS depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Hitler have been plastered at various locations across Melbourne, including on walls facing Southland Shopping Centre.

The posters are captioned with the words “War Criminal. Netanyahu is guilty of war crimes” and “Stop the Gaza massacre”.

The Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) received multiple calls on Wednesday about the posters. ADC chairman Dvir Abramovich told The AJN the rise in antisemitism since the conflict broke out between Israel and Gaza is “so bad that it’s actually tough for the ADC to keep track of all the reports”.

“Some are telling me that they are concerned about their children wearing a kippah or a Star of David necklace outside,” he added.

“This despicable use of Nazi imagery to demonise and defame the Israeli PM is another outrage which trivialises history’s darkest chapter.”

Executive director of the Jewish Community Council Victoria Judy Fetter told The AJN, “This campaign of hate, falsehoods and antisemitic reference is a disgrace and the increase of such images in print and online is a real concern for our community. Focused educational programs and liaising with government officials to combat antisemitism and racism in all forms remains an ongoing priority as we face a surge in these types of propaganda.”

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